“[Klang? —] Das würde ich keinesfalls Immaterialität nennen. Warum sollte ich also aufhören, mich mit Klang zu beschäftigen? Klänge wird es immer geben. Ich kann dir genau sagen, wann der Fernseher meiner Nachbarn wieder sein komprimiertes, tiefpassgefiltertes Gegrummel von sich gibt. Und es ist an der Zeit, stärker auf die unbedachten, formlosen Klänge zu achten, die Geräusche, die uns täglich umgeben, und an ihnen zu arbeiten.
[Sound? —] That's definitely not what I would call immateriality. Accordingly, why should I give up on them? Sounds will never leave. I can tell you exactly when my neighbours’ TV will start emitting its compressed low-pass filtered mumbling and grumbling. And it's time to become more sensitive to the thoughtless and undesigned sounds, the noise that surrounds us everyday, and work on it.”

I am very pleased to announce the second full-length interview to be published here at the WALL OF TIME.
It will be a conversation with the architect, sound engineer, and urban space doctor OLAF SCHÄFER, who famously called out for a remix of dull Berlin and a dub re-work of Stuttgart motor city as early as 2004.
Schäfer is one hell of a thinker, always on his toes and playful with words. Hence, it was a great pleasure to meet up and chat on multisensory architecture, the textures of sound, the German Autobahn, as well as La Monte Young and the futurists.
Please bear with us and watch out for the full-length interview with OLAF SCHÄFER to be published both in German and English and, as usual here at the WALL OF TIME, downloadable also in glossy hi-res colour portable document file (pdf) format as soon as next Wednesday, April 9, 2008.