Tuesday, October 21, 2008

72 hours, 18.08.–21.08.2008

«On disappearing. If someone disappears, a sudden spot of emptiness is created, a hole, a little lack of energy. Most times this subtle imbalance is filled, through mechanisms of entropy, within short measures of time.

Sometimes it is—inexplicably—more difficult for us to go ahead, to fill the gap, and to brush over such a sudden imbalance. Two months later, looking back on these three days, you wonder: what is it that makes us register certain losses, and totally ignore others.

Some disappearances are not noticed at all, by nobody. Others are.»

—a friend, in an email, this very morning.

Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch, doch einiges an der Zeitmauer gibt es auch in der hervorragenden Kultur- und Verwaltungssprache Deutsch zu lesen.

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