I hope that nobody will come and visit the Wall of Time, as I type this, in the last minutes of November 29, 2008. I hope so, because statistics indicate that today would then have been the first day (since Wall of Time came to new life in February earlier this year) on which nobody has visited. Now, this is not a bad thing. This is rather a very good thing, finally, something interesting is happening in the overwhelming amounts of senseless statistics a simple and irrelevant literary web-based notebook like this produces, every day. Normally, that is. Today, a big Zero lights up inmidst the steady flow of 28, 37, 106, or 49 visitors we usually witness each and every day, 24/7.
Please, come in, have a look around; but thanks honestly for giving the internet a real sense of space and limits today. A singularity in time and space, a zero with a smile. Speak soon, dear visitors, here at the Wall of Time.
Dieser Beitrag ist auf Englisch, doch einiges an der Zeitmauer gibt es auch in der hervorragenden Kultur- und Verwaltungssprache Deutsch zu lesen.
Clorindo Testa.